How to improve your baby's reflux feat The Baby Reflux Lady

Reflux is resolvable.

Truly. Too many parents hear the words “baby has colic”, “it’s normal”, baby will grow out of it” or phrases to that extent. And are sent home. Apparently “reassured” that it is normal. That the high-pitched screaming of their tiny infant is somehow normal. That inconsolable crying is normal. That still not being able to settle or sleep peacefully by the age of 8 months is normal.

I want to let you know that there is nothing “normal” about this. Common, yes. Normal, no.


And because it is not “normal” I want to share something more about reflux with you. Reflux is a symptom. Even though it has the word “disease” in its full title, it is not a disease. There is no underlying pathology. As a symptom it has a cause and in having a cause it has a resolution.

The resolutions however, are specific to the exact cause(s) of the discomfort in each baby.

This is why what works for one baby often doesn’t work for another. This is why there are so many suggestions and “try this”, “try that” for infant reflux out there. And all of these address the symptom, and try to make things easier. They do not address the cause. And this includes medication.

Secondly, infant reflux is completely different from adult reflux and so should be treated differently. There is nothing wrong with baby. They have an immature digestive system. This is normal.

And what comes a surprise to most of my clients is just how much they can do to help their baby.


Resolving your baby’s reflux is so important for sleep, both yours and theirs. Babies with reflux tend to sleep restlessly and as such their quality of sleep tends to leave them, at best, needing more during the day, and irritable, cranky, whiny and clingy. When we give your baby’s naturally immature digestive system a break, a bit of respite from the over taxing foods, they can transform overnight. Then, and only then, can we start to be effective in teaching them how to sleep.

What we need to be looking out for are signs that tell us whether baby is swallowing too much air, or that it is their immature digestive system that is under pressure. If your baby is fussy when feeding, or displays any of the following, then there is something causing them to swallow air, and this can cause reflux on its own.

– gulping, choking, gagging or spluttering when drinking

– if you can hear milk sloshing in their tummy after a feed

If you observe any of these, then your baby needs support to change their latch, regardless of whether they are bottle or breastfed. I suggest that you get them checked for a tongue tie by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. You can also visit a craniosacral osteopath or a chiropractor, with paediatric experience to resolve any tension, especially if there was intervention at birth (e.g. forceps, suction, ventouse) or if their birth was particularly long, or extremely quick.


When it comes to understanding if your baby has food intolerances, this is where we focus at the bottom end of things. I recommend that you keep a detailed food and symptom diary for this (examples and downloads on my website) and try to see the patterns after about 3 or 4 days.

Want additional support? The Baby Reflux Lady’s Survival Guide is available now on Amazonand through Barnes & Noble.

For more information to figure out exactly what’s causing your baby’s discomfort, visit Áine at